Product description Why Choose our Paw Originals 100% Natural Peanut Butter - Unlike No Other!Unlike other brands on the market we strive to offer the most natural, beneficial and cruelty free products on the market. Just like other products in our range our peanut butter formulation is unlike any other brand on the market . Other brands use palm free oil, our product uses NO OIL! The only oil found in our product derives from the nuts themselves!We wanted to keep our product as natural as possible, further to this we use no preservatives, additives, sugars, salts or other nasty ingredients, just roasted nuts smoothed into a creamy paste, making it unique from any other product on the market. We believe any oil apart from those found naturally in nuts can't be great in large doses hence the reason we formulated this smooth creamy paste for your pooch!Product Features:ONLY & MAIN INGREDIENT - ROASTED PEANUTSOIL FREE, Sugar Free, Salt Free, Gluten Free, Hypoallergenic Free & Chemical free, Xylitol Free, Preservative Free, Additive Free What more free could you want!Truly 100% Natural & PureHIGHEST CONCENTRATION OF VITAMINS, MINERALS & PROTEIN - We cut out the junk to insure our formulation offers the highest concentration of Vitamins E, B, Niacin & Healthy FatsManufactured in the UK Perfect treat for adult dogs & puppies! In fact, us humans can eat it too! All it is is nuts!Our Guarantee:We know our product is worth you using, that's why we are offering a 30 day money back guarantee. If during this period you or your pet friend isn't happy with our product just let us know and we will make it right!Add our product to your basket NOW! Indications Adult, Large Breeds P.when('A').execute(function(A) { A.on('a:expander:toggle_description:toggle:collapse', function(data) { window.scroll(0, data.expander.$expander[0].offsetTop-100); }); }); Ingredients Peanuts Directions Open jar and serve to dog as a treat. Follow serving suggestions based on dog's size and age. See more
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