The HM-10 Bluetooth module combines the powerful and programmable Texas Instruments CC2541 Chipset with the required components to start right away with your BLE development.The module offers an on-board voltage regulator and is TTL-level and 5 V tolerant. The Bluetooth-SoC can be accessed via UART interface and supports AT-Commands for setup. It supports full Bluetooth 4.0 standard and can be used for your UNO or microcontroller to Android or iOS communication projects.This module can be used to replace HC-05, HC-06 and HC-07 devices.This module can also be configured and used with Apple devices. This HM-10 BLE Bluetooth Module with TTL - Clone Version with BLE 4.0 support, Internal with logic level conversion circuit. No external 5V level to turn into a 3.3V level Power input with anti-anti-circuit. Avoid accidental power plug reversed. Generally, users are using HC-05 Bluetooth module but it doesn't support with iPhone but ble 4.0 is perfectly work with iPhone also. Supported devices are 4s, 5, 5s or later and almost all Android Device.
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